Pascale Warda President of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization
Peace Ambassador to IWPG
Former Minister of Migration and Displacement
Conference 16 Nov 2024 Online at 2PM
Women's access to participation in peace building is more than necessary to all humanity.
In Peace Building process, it is crucial to use woman abilities which are rich in social knowledges and daily experiences about every single person in the family, materially as well as morally. These facts have to be understood as the principal cornerstones to the success of the mission of peace-making beginning from the narrow familial points up to the national, then to the international levels. The human dialogue tools need to be of both resiliency and adherence to Principle of maintaining human dignity, advocating to impose human rights respect such as Peace for all. This is opposite of giving up to the violations of basic rights that are inalienable, whatever the justifications could be including the natural difference between male and female such as in the sexual one and so on. Therefore, Peace building as a process, needs its second part of “power of resilience” confined in women’s efforts that are more than crucial and essential to the success of this mission. The women have to play all roles that have to do with the public common good and private sectors decision making regardless to the virile way of thinking which still judging that: “woman place has to be at home only”. This happens conscious less about the horrible gape between both man and woman as result of whole political and economic burden on man only, in order to making sure an adequate live to whole family. Curiously, but not recognized yet, this is a regulated huge injustice against man-himself before anyone else!
No matter what could be the way, peace building as a process needs to include women’s efforts which are more than crucial and essential to the success of this mission. Why?
-Because women constitute 50% of the world's population. Therefore, they must be part of the solutions. Certainly, the traditionally and legally imposed factor of the absence of women's visions, ideas but also as labor forces, are what creates continues insoluble injustices in economic political cultural and social levels. Actually, this situation of continues denial and minimizing women role is unfortunately incarnated in legal justifications of physical and psychological violence against women, such as we have it clearly in many Iraqi laws and particularly in Personal status law N. 188 of 1959: where "a man gets twice the share of a woman in inheritance"! So far, in penal code N. 111 of 1969 a man has right to practice a verity of violences against woman such as hitting her or even killing her in the name of "educating her or for so called "the sake of honor or Washing away the shame" etc.! Those legalized measures are what perpetuate and justify divers kind of violence against women in Iraq and create more and more gapes.
The deeper reason in missing the role of women is Just because men wrote those laws for their own interests of feeling and regulating as superiors, regardless to the equal human dignity between man and woman stipulated in the new Iraqi constitution: article 14 that has been inspired from the international law of Human Rights.
On the other hand, instate of reamending those old laws by new ones inspired from the international standers, today political groups do all to bring us back thousand years.
In fact, the exclusion of woman abilities is the deep negative reason perpetuating crises and conflicts.
Therefore, the mechanism for integrating women into peacebuilding processes provides a unique opportunity to strengthen the country's commitments to address the issues which in all cases need the whole society efforts and not only the men efforts.
As conclusion I say: the history of so long situations of wars and devastating disorders worldwide is proving that man alone is incapable to rebuild Peace and prosperity for all.
Because most of males sticks to the feeling of power, which causes uncompleted decisions that needs more visions and sense of a common good in society live in need of plans and mechanism proper to a right implementation of right laws, avoiding critical negative situation that brings to destabilization then wars. And also because of the complexity of the process hindered by political decisions, such as wars atrocities and discriminations which are another kind of inclusive wars, brings to the elimination of woman participation in the real steps or opportunities of peace building. while crucially women' efforts and participations have to be imposed without or within quota as direct partner in peace building process and political decision making, because women are able to play a variety of roles in complex, multi-track peace processes. They can sit at the formal negotiating table, on a technical committee or subcommittee, or they can be outside the talks and engaged as civil society actors in subsequent developments. All of these roles are crucial to achieve peace.
Women role never ever is accomplished unless by women themselves.