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Amendments to the Iraqi Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959, as well as other laws, and the terrifying repercussions of amending them to further adhere to sectarian extremism
07/01/25 - Pascal Warda
Why the Pope's visit to Iraq is considered historic - what is the significance of considering pilgrimage
09/03/21 - William Warda
On 4th March, one day before the arrival of His Holiness the Pope to Iraq, I wrote an article welcoming his Holiness reviewing some of the messages
In Baghdad, intensive expression pleasure of welcoming the unique visitor
08/03/21 - Pascal Warda
Welcome, holy and majestic Father Pope Francis, your holiness resolved in hearts before arrival to the land of Mesopotamia
Welcome, Pope Francis
08/03/21 - William Warda
Many messages are carried by the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Iraq
Conseil de l’Europe – Droits de l’homme ou Droits humains?
18/04/18 - Pascal Warda
Adoption récente des termes « droits humains » au lieu de « droits de l’homme » par la Conférence des OING du Conseil de l’Europe
“Sanctions are delaying the reconstruction of Syria”
07/11/17 -
Normal life returns, security returns, but the prospects for ordinary citizens in Syria remain bleak. Human rights activist John Eibner describes
"Saddam Hussein, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Shiite Revivalism and Sunni Insurgency: Can Religious Pluralism Survive in Iraq?
27/10/16 - William Warda
• First of all, I have to express my thanks and appreciation to Dr. John Eibner, CSI, and to all those in charge of this event, I’d also like to
A Political and Human Rights Annalistic Vision for the Future of the Nineveh Plain and Minorities in Mosul
17/08/16 - HHRO
In light of the bitter reality experienced by minorities after being removed from their homelands in the Nineveh plain and Sinjar, there is much
Mr. William Warda's discussion during a seminar held by the Iraqi Forum for Human Rights Organizations on Saturday 6/8/2016
08/06/16 - William Warda
We have entered the third year of the Islamic States invasion of the territories of Iraqi minorities, and yet the power of evil and darkness continues