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On the occasion of the International Women's Day March 8, 2021

On the occasion of the International Women's Day March 8, 2021

On the occasion of the International Women's Day March 8, 2021

  • Pope Francis thanks women in general and Iraqi women in particular.
  • Hammurabi Human Rights Organization express its grave concern for the violations that Iraqi women are subjected to.
  • Political and economic reform achieves an opportunity to involve Iraqi women in the formulation of sovereign decisions.
  • Terrorism, domestic violence, marginalization, negative discrimination and the most heinous threats that affected Iraqi women.

On International Women's Day Hammurabi Organization convey sincere congratulation to all women in the world, particularly the Iraqi women. And on this happy day we were blessed by Pop Francis unique tweet encouraging women to preserve saying "I would like to thank all women, especially brave women of Iraq who continue to give life despite violations and wounds. ”He continued,“ Let respect women and let them be free to receive attention and opportunities".

Based on these recommendations stemming from a heart that believes in equality, respect for rights and freedoms, and the maintenance of human dignity in a distinctive way, today is a reminder of the rights of raped women. It is a proud for all women that His Holiness is one of their supporters. Therefore, on behalf of all women, we offer thanks, appreciation and gratitude to His Holiness for this encouragement and this blessing.

On the International Women's Day on March 8, which is adopted by the United Nations, Hammurabi Human Rights Organization expresses its sincere appreciation to Iraqi women to get her rights, and efforts to be made in addressing the violations that women are subjected to using methods to put an end to the serious violations of their rights.

Hammurabi Organization, which had and still has the honor to follow these rights and monitor violations, believes that the Iraqi situation suffers from family violence, marginalizing the role of women, especially rural, child marriage, and negative discrimination in knowledge and employment opportunities. As for the economic situation and what is caused by the armed conflicts that struck Iraq, the escalation of terrorist crimes and negative differentiation also in personal status, especially the provisions for marriage and inheritance and the Islamization of minors represented by the application of Article 26 the 2nd of the Unified National Card Law. Likewise, widows, divorced women, women with disabilities, displaced women, refugees and internally displaced women suffer of the low level of health services for treating gynecological diseases.

Hammurabi Organization referring to these dangerous negative phenomena, considers as violation of Iraqi constitution, that provide gender equality, and also contradicts the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women "CEDAW" , the protocol attached to this convention, and what is happening against Iraqi women is inconsistent with the Universal Declaration of Women Rights, and the outcomes of the Women’s Summit in the Chinese capital Beijing +5 and the International Social Summit held in Copenhagen through UN Security Council Resolution 1325,

Indeed, with all other international texts that have addressed the violations. The International Women's Day should represent an opportunity to express the dangers that threaten the lives of Iraqi women and the tendencies of isolation and marginalization practiced by the ruling class preventing Iraqi women to be representative in making of political and sovereign decisions that concern society.

In an analytical conclusion, Hammurabi Human Rights Organization express great concern to the violations that Iraqi women are subjected to and praises every effort or attitude and comparison that puts an end to these violations, otherwise any effort for general national reform can only be successful by taking into account the necessities of women's rights.