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• The second training workshop on the implementation of the advocacy and capacity- building project held to support the Iraqi government to fulfill its obligations related to children's rights

•	The second training workshop on the implementation of the advocacy and capacity- building project held to support the Iraqi government to fulfill its obligations related to children's rights
  • The second training workshop on the implementation of the advocacy and capacity- building project held to support the Iraqi government to fulfill its obligations related to children's rights
  • shedding light on the mechanisms required to implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the international mandate adopted in this regard
  • The workshops aim to find partners to achieve the best professional participation in writing reports
  • The project manager, Mr. William Warda: - enabling government officials to carry out human rights responsibilities enhances the credibility of proper handling of reports

the second workshop was held  on November 8, 2020, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice in Baghdad, within the framework of the Advocacy and Capacity Building Project to support the Iraqi government to fulfill obligations related to the rights of the child within the training program to discuss reports on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (the work of the government team) with the support of UNICEF and in cooperation between Hammurabi Human Rights Organization and the Bawabet Al-Adala Organization.

The workshop will last for five days and the agenda for the first day include an introductory presentation to the participants and a lecture by Mrs. Pascale Warda Chairwoman of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, to introduce the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the underlying principles, as well as information of a human rights nature on the variables occurred and how to understand the concepts of that convention. The second lecture is by Dr. Mohammad Turki Al-Obaidi, Director of the Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Justice, highlighting the international mechanisms regarding human rights applications, using a documentary film to clarify.

During the workshop Mr. William Warda and Dr. Mohammad Al-Obaidi gave an explanation on the executive mandate of the convention and the supervisory framework through the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the means of follow-up to the states parties so the purpose of these workshops is to find real partners for the best professional participation in report writing.

Mr. William Warda, the project manager, described the workshop as a new and complementary introductory method for increasing information and operational awareness of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the ground, which must enable government officials to carry out their responsibilities in preparing credible reports.

Mr. Warda added that it is an important step for Iraq to fulfill its obligations towards The Convention on the Rights of the Child, as whenever a good staff is available in this field, the applications will meet the requirements.