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The second training workshop for teaching and educational staff implemented by Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, enter its second day focusing on the basics of training and carrying out practical exercises.

The second training workshop for teaching and educational staff implemented by Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, enter its second day focusing on the basics of training and carrying out practical exercises.


  • The second training workshop for teaching and educational staff implemented by Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, enter its second day focusing on the basics of training and carrying out practical exercises.
  • Lectures given by participants as virtual groups to their colleagues to measure the most successful presentation.
  • Dr. Mohammed Turki Al-Obaidi the trainer, assesses exercises pointing to the failure and success points.
  • Mr. William Warda and lawyer Yohanna Yousef Tawaya participate in the discussions on the sidelines of the exercises.
  • Seven members of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization led by Mr. Louis Marqus Ayoub,provide logistical and field services for the workshop.

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization HHRO implemented a second training workshop for teaching and educational staff in Ninewah province to promote religious freedom, pluralism and social peace in Iraq.

Entering its second day the workshop focus more broadly on the subjects of education and training and what mechanisms, concepts and applications should be adopted through which the trainees ability is taking root to convey the contents that are called for in social form to change the convictions and to establish new and clear traditions in creating platforms for religious freedom based on freedom of belief worship and the establishment of faith rituals without any pressure or interventions or attempts aimed at underestimating these rituals, establishment of limits on respect to the rights of all Iraqi components on the basis of understanding civilization and the provisions of national and international laws and legislations. At the completion of the lesson which was based on raising questions and brainstorming, the workshop moved to the practical step carrying out exercises by participants to their colleagues in the workshop directed by the trainer Dr. Mohammed Turki Al– Obaidi. Number of participants presented lectures with a time limit of ten minutes each. The trainer used the green and red cards to guide the participated lecturer.

Subjects raised from a group of topics that the trainer distributed to participants asking to choose addresses want to work on, relating to religious freedom, limits and constrains, respect to these freedoms and how to defend, the importance of international organizations to protect the rights in Iraq and work on the principle of changing convictions to provide opportunities to remove all false and misleading attitudes by the terrorist groups ISIS devoted in the province of Ninewah and in other areas of Iraq,

After each lecture given by the participant, there is an extensive discussion of the presentation, failure and success points ,how to deal with the addresses and contents put forward, what was used by means of clarification and smart means and aids, and why relied on this method or that and measure his/her movement in front of the social form and how to answer questions and queries asked, the measurements used to know the effects of his speech in front of the virtual group, the ability to face the possibilities not calculated and the use of successful stylistic games and films.

The discussions attended by Mr. Yohanna Yousef Tawaya, head of Hammurabi organization branch in Erbil, director of the training project, and Mr. William Warda Public Relations Officer of the organization.

It is worth noting that the second training workshop, organized by HHRO was implemented with the support of Freedom House Organization (FH) launched on Thursday, 12th April 2018, and will last for three days.

The fifteen participants are expected to implement what they have learned through a program in social and functional circles in which they are located .The workshop comes after the first workshop, which included the training of thirty citizens from different religious and ethnic affiliations, and the selection of fifteen participants for the second workshop, most of them scientific academic specialties and social elites who can have the tasks of guiding the community.

Seven of the cadres of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization provide the logistical and field services for the workshop headed by Mr. Louis Marqus Ayoub vice president of the Organization, Mr. William Warda Public Relations Officer,Yohanna Yousef Tawaya , members of the General Board Engineer Faris Jarjis and the academic Laith Salam ,Nadia Younis Batti Board Member and Adel Saad Media Advisor of the organization.