William Warda:
- The Constitution of Iraq contains gaps and barriers against the path of coexistence and reconciliation.
- The freedom of belief that the constitution refers to does not mean religious freedom at all.
- Demographic change has not ceased in Iraq, neither in the time of the previous regime nor in the current regime, and more than one party has practiced demographic change.
William Warda, director of public relations for Hammurabi Organization, and during his tour to Europe last July, carried out several activities, the most notably his participation in the conference called by the Zagros Center for Human Rights and the Geneva Institute for Coexistence and the Yeziedi Foundation against Genocide, under the slogan "Peace and coexistence under the Iraqi constitution" in the middle of July at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva. It was attended by a group of Iraqi activists in the field of human rights and the defence of freedoms from various components of Iraq. At the official level, Mr. Hendren Mustafa participated as a representative of the Iraqi embassy, and on behalf of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Messrs. Jaafar Ibrahim Emeki, Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and Mr. Nawzad Hadi Chancellor of Presidency in Kurdistan Region and Mrs. Mona Yaqo, head of the Independent Commission for Human Rights in the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq.
The participation of Mr. Warda in this conference was a keynote intervention at the first session. His speech in English language concluded main points focusing on the objective for which the Conference was convened, stressing that peaceful coexistence and peace-building in Iraq depend on a set of reforms to include the constitution and the legislative and legal environment, diagnosing and addressing the trends of political-religious sectarian extremism, the policies and practices followed, leading to the essential treatments in plans and strategies to promote coexistence and achieve stability.
The following is the text of the translation for the presentation of Professor William Warda - Director of Relations and Media - at the Conference of Peace and Coexistence under the Constitution of Geneva - 15 July 2022