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Pascale Warda meets the mayor of the French city of Oriole in the province of Paca- southern France

Pascale Warda meets the mayor of the French city of Oriole in the province of Paca- southern France
  • Pascale Warda meets the mayor of the French city of Oriole in the province of Paca- southern France

Mrs. Pascale Warda, Chairwoman of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization HHRO, met Mrs. Danielle Carçier the Mayor of the French city of Oriole in the French province of Paca- southern France.

The meeting was held on Thursday morning July 5, 2018 where Mrs. Warda  present a plaque which bears the picture of Hammurabi historical obelisk engraved on the skin with the famous cuneiform script representing the first written laws on the ground.

Mrs. Warda also presented a brief explanation of the activities of Hammurabi Organization in the service of Iraqis, whether in the process of monitoring and documenting the human rights situation or actively participating in the service of the forcibly displaced and returnees to their areas and other vulnerable people, in addition to spreading a culture of respect for the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the international provisions for the protection of human rights.

The two sides exchanged views on the current situation in Iraq, especially the issue of migration and its repercussions on the displaced on one hand and on the countries receiving immigration. 

HHRO chairwoman presented mechanisms to enable the countries of asylum to cooperate closely to provide necessary support to those in difficult situations such as families who returned from forcibly displacement to Nineveh plain, Mosul and other areas liberated from the control of ISIS calling on governments receiving asylum to cooperate with the Iraqi authorities and relevant organizations to create new policies that help as many migrants as possible to stay in their home country.

Mrs. Warda also stressed that it was necessary to protect the basic rights of people who see their lives at risk or are subject to certain dangers. The right to asylum must be maintained for those who have real fears of their lives, are directly targeted, or are members of their families, and cannot live in safe.

A consultation was also held for an exhibition to be held in the next autumn in the municipal library to make people aware of the reality there and exchange mutual ways to find solutions and means of support for families lived through targeting and violence and to build humanitarian and cultural bridges between the Iraqi and French communities by creating mutual partnerships between schools, universities and various artistic and cultural activities.

Mrs. Carçier warmly welcomed Mrs. Warda's visit and suggested many programs that could be carried out with Hammurabi Organization in France and Iraq. She also expressed her willingness to accept any proposals that serve the friendship and positive relations between the two countries in the service of consolidating security and mutual stability.