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His Beatitude Mar Louis Sako and Hammurabi Human Rights Organization sponsored the project of the French journalist Pascal Maguesyan to document Christian and Yezidi places of worship in Iraq.

His Beatitude Mar Louis Sako and Hammurabi Human Rights Organization sponsored the project of the French journalist Pascal Maguesyan to document Christian and Yezidi places of worship in Iraq.
  • His Beatitude Mar Louis Sako and Hammurabi Human Rights Organization sponsored the project of the French journalist Pascal Maguesyan to document Christian and Yezidi places of worship in Iraq.
  • His Beatitude Louis Sako praise the step and welcomes every project that preserves Iraqi diversity.
  • Mrs. Pascale Warda welcomes those who have been briefed on the achievements of the French researcher in this regard.
  • Accredited ambassadors and representatives of the United Nations in Iraq participate in this activity.
  • The French researcher: Iraq is rich of ancient cultural landmarks.
  • Interventions for participants focused on the importance of protecting cultural and religious heritage from all attempts of complete removal and elimination.

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization HHRO shed light on the importance of sponsoring the Iraqi memory in order to safeguard the Iraqi culture and religious heritage. The organization's step in supporting the project of the French journalist Pascal Maguesyan to document the religious and clerical landmarks of Christians and Yazidis in Iraq is part of its strategy to support the existence of minorities and protect their heritage and cultural landmarks and preserve nation memory.

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization held a presentation to display the achievements of the French journalist inviting number of Iraqi elites, diplomats and people concerned in heritage.

The participation was led by His Beatitude Mar Louis Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Church in Iraq and the World, and a delegation from the United Nations Mission of Iraq (UNAMI), including Mrs. Dispina Sar Elioto on behalf of Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq Mr. Ján Kubiš Head of UNAMI in Iraq ,Mrs. Amira Khudair Coordinator for Minority Affairs of  UNAMI, Mr. Ivan Djurjevjj Public Information Officer of UNAMI, as well as the Diplomatic Monsignor José Nahum Deputy of Papal Diplomatic Mission to Baghdad and a number of Ambassadors accredited to Iraq, His Excellency Bambang Antarikso Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ali Alrifqi Consul of the Republic of Indonesia in Baghdad and the representative of His Excellency the Kuwaiti Ambassador Salem Al-Zamanan  Mr. Salman Khair Economic Annex and a number of diplomats, an important collection of advocates, academics, activists and owners of opinion and a number of cadres and members of the General Board in Hammurabi Human Rights Organization.

Mrs Paskale Warda Chairwoman of the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization former Minister of Migration and Displaced inaugurated the cultural event held in Mar Yousef Cathedral for Chaldean in Baghdad Karada district "Kharbanda" on 20/4/2018.

Mrs. Warda welcomed the participants expressing her gratitude for the participation assuring that protecting the Iraqi memory and maintaining its cultural and religious assets is one of the most important trends that preserve Iraq's historical identity and cultural depth. It is a step towards protecting diversity, a symbol that cannot be discounted under any pretexts or names because this diversity is the essence of the country and the value of its human existence and testimony can not be obscured, as Iraq is one of few countries in the world that deserves care, maintenance, appreciation, admiration and lasting attention.

In a speech by Patriarch Sako, his Beatitude praised the step welcoming every project that would enhance diversity, preserve the country's heritage and perpetuate a culture of respect and appreciation.

The French journalist presented his achievements within the project, which deals with 100 monuments and a religious landmarks of Christian and Yazidi, referring that the effort is based on the voluntary initiative and that he did more to protect an Iraqi heritage, which in fact represents a high level of human wealth.

The French researcher, Pascal Maguesyan, documented his presentation by panoramic pictures of Christian and Yazidi sites exposed to destroy and the attempts of complete removal and elimination from Iraq caused by the terrorist groups ISIS, pointing out that his project in this aspect is already suffering from lack of financial coverage and that the situation needs more comprehensive and greater efforts to document all the Christian and Yazidi landmarks and features of other Iraqi components so as not to give opportunities for terrorism to remove the memory of these monuments.

On the sidelines of the presentation of the French researcher, interventions took place by number of attendees, led by Mr. William Warda, Public Relations Officer of HHRO, stressing on the responsibility of the state and the general Iraqi elites to adopt a comprehensive national project to protect the Iraqi religious and culture heritage.

At the end, Mrs. Pascale Warda thanked all personalities contributed in this activity. It is to be mentioned that the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization is keen to give special attention in its periodic and annual reports in monitoring the violations of Iraqi religious and historical landmarks.