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Hammurabi Organization completed the tenth training workshop of the second phase in Baghdad regarding the rights of people with disabilities

Hammurabi Organization completed the tenth training workshop of the second phase in Baghdad regarding the rights of people with disabilities


Hammurabi Human Rights Organization completed the tenth training workshop of the second phase on raising awareness of the rights of people with disabilities.


The workshop was held on Saturday, July 20, 2024, in Baghdad at the headquarters of the Human Love Brotherhood (Caritas).


The agenda of the workshop included a welcoming speech and an introduction to the workshop staff delivered by Mr. William Warda, Director of Public Relations and Media at Hammurabi Human Rights Organization.


A team from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs provided the participants with a detailed explanation of the rights of people with special needs, represented by Engineer Omar Al-Hafeth from the office of the Minister (Organizations Department), Dr. Kamal Mohammad Siddiq (Director of the Educational Rehabilitation Department), and Dr. Yassin Al-Sudani (Department Director) at the Authority for People with Disabilities.


Lecturers took turns presenting the task of the Ministry to support the rights of people with disabilities under the Act No. 38 of the year 2013 and the enactment of Act No. 11 of 2024 the amended which was called the Law of the Rights of Disability and Special Needs instead of the Social Care Law, focusing on the importance of the role of families in providing support by integrating them into society, encouraging to exercise their hobbies and instilling a sense of trust among them in order to confront their fears, accept and not to isolate or bully them, giving explanation of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and national legislation, especially in providing them



with employment opportunities, whether in the public or private sector, and the Important laws to support their families shedding light on the role of the rehabilitation centers affiliated with the Ministry in healing certain cases that would encourage people to review these services for their children, as well as the role of the Disability Diagnostic Centre located in the Karrada district for early detection of disability cases.


During its four hours, the workshop witnessed deliberations by 29 involved beneficiaries both women and men, and their concerned relatives, talking about the stories of success and challenges encountered during their care to their families.    to ease their burdens. They were answered and possible paths were clarified by presenting them to the concerned authorities.


The workshop concluded with a documentary film produced by Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, summarizing their rights and included the basic foundations of the International Convention to guarantee the Rights of People with Disabilities, as well as the paragraphs and clauses included in the Iraqi Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that enhance the rights of people with disabilities.