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Ainkawa city lives the joys of the return of the child "Christina" to her family after 33 months and two weeks captivity by ISIS

Ainkawa city lives the joys of the return of the child
  • Ainkawa city lives the joys of the return of the child "Christina" to her family after 33 months and two weeks captivity by ISIS
  • Pascal Warda instructs Hammurabi Organization for Human Rights in Erbil to perform participation duty in the joys of Christina's.
  • The story of the child Christina's kidnapping and caption by ISIS is a horrible headline of the headlines of ISIS terrorist crimes.


Ainkawa district in Erbil city on (9June 2017), has lived a happy event filled with big joys represented by the return of the child "Christina" to her family after 33 months and Two weeks of abduction by one of the ISIS terrorists while she was in her mother's lap on (22 August 2014), when she and her family were leaving Al-Hamdaniyah (Qara Qosh( where one of the terrorists stopped her family and took her from her mother, threatening her mother that she will be killed if she insisted on staying with her child, and so the family left Al-Hamadaniyah leaving their child in the captivity of ISIS.

Ms. Pascal Warda, the head of Hammurabi Organization for Human Rights, instantly instructed Erbil branch to form a delegation right after hearing hearing the happy news, to visit the family and participate in the joys of Christina's return with flower bouquets and Sweets.

The delegation of Hammurabi Humans Rights Organization included the activist, Ms. Nadia Younis Batti a member of Board of directors of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, Dr. Samya Yousif, Mr. Charbel Isaac Yuno, and Mr. Farhan Yousef Al-Khuzaimi, members of the General Authority of the Organization, and they shared on the behalf of Ms. Pascal Warda, Mr. Louis Markus Ayoub, Vice President of the Organization, and Mr. William Warda, Responsible of the public relations in the organization greetings with the family.

It is indicated that, Christina was abducted when she was Three years old only, and Hammurabi organization of Human Rights considered her as the star of (2014) in referendum conducted by the organization, as the Board of Directors of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization followed its responsibility for human rights and relief in supporting Christina family and providing relief to her family periodically, and the organization has followed this matter by media and many news reports.

The story of her return to her family was the result of her uncle's effort and the rest of her family to trace her, and the information show that, the terrorist who kidnapped her had sold her to another person in the city of Mosul, and according to the story, this person contacted the child's uncle giving him the feeling that she is safe with his Three other children, so immediately her uncle went to that man's residence and found her as he claimed.