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Mr. William Warda is involved in the Iraq Launch of the UK's Fourth National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security.

Mr. William Warda is involved in the Iraq Launch of the UK's Fourth National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security.


  • Mr. William Warda is involved in the Iraq Launch of the UK's Fourth National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security.
  • Mr. Warda: We should work with confidence and create a reality to ensure not to repeat the tragedies of Iraqi women especially minority women of Ezedies, Christians,Turkmen, Shabak and Shi'a regarding human rights issues in Iraq and the conditions of liberated areas within Nineveh province.

Mr. William Warda public relations officer of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, participated in the Iraq Launch of the UK's Fourth National Action Plan (NAP) on Women Peace and Security (WPS) held in Iraqi Hunting Club - Baghdad Hall on 4th March 2018 , in the presence of number of diplomats from the British Embassy and the attendance of Mrs. Pramila Patten the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Sexual abuse, as well as specialists in women issues and what rights to be contributed by all competent bodies in the areas of addressing the violations to which they are subjected and what caused by conflicts and ISIS practices of persecution and isolation of women facing challenges to resist attempts to distort her image and methods to devote aggressive tendencies targeting dignity and right for safe life and protecting their social, economic, psychological and political rights.

Mrs. Pramila Patten assured that Iraq has to participate women survivors of ISIS violence and terrorism acts to achieve justice and the Iraqi government should gather evidence and documentation of what ISIS has committed against women to bring to justice.

 Lord Tariq Ahmed praised the sacrifices of Iraq to end ISIS and the challenges to build a new Iraq based on peace and security.

Dr. Ibtisam Aziz Director General of the Department of Women's Empowerment in the General Secretariat spoke about the importance of the role of the United Kingdom to help Iraq to end abuse against women, especially sexual abuse, highlighting the joint programs between Iraq and Britain in this regard.

It is to be mentioned that this is the fourth time the British Embassy in Iraq carried out such activities as it has already dealt with launch programs to address the phenomena of rape and sexual harassment as well as the underage marriage.

On the sidelines of his participation, Mr. William Warda met number of attendees and deliberate issues regarding minority rights, Women's right and what should be done in order not to repeat the grief for Iraqi women and what happened especially minority women of Ezedies, Christians,Turkmen, Shabak and Shi'a in the minority areas of Nineveh and Kirkuk, and to get benefit from the democratic climate that should prevail.

During his deliberations, Mr. Warda was keen to convey an accurate image of what is going on in the liberated areas of Nineveh province and the importance of attention to women in the process of reconstruction of Iraq after the destruction and crimes committed by ISIS against women and girls, stressing on the development of strategies to build peace and achieve security and to build confidence to Iraqi women and girls on what had happened during the past years of sexual abuse and dignity violation to be not repeated , assuring the support of international organizations to accelerate reconstruction and services to ensure a secure security and social environment.

Mr. Warda's participation in the Iraq Launch came at the invitation of the British Embassy in Baghdad.