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Hammurabi Human Rights Organization is reviewing the underage reform houses in Baghdad.

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization is reviewing the underage reform houses in Baghdad.

Hammurabi Human Rights Organization is reviewing the underage reform houses in Baghdad.

  • A human rights team headed by Mrs. Pascale Warda is reviewing the underage reform houses for male and female in Baghdad.
  • The inspection visit came in implementation of the strategy of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization and its plan of action for 2018.
  • Meetings with the administrative and security staff in the two reform houses and a free tour to review the conditions of male and female prisoners.
  • Mrs. Pascale Warda in a statement to the reporter of Nirgal news network said that she is writing a report presently on the results of the inspection visit will be issued in the next few days.

A human rights team from Hammurabi Human Rights Organization HHRO reviewed the underage reform houses for male and female in Baghdad supervised by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

The organization team included Mrs. Pascale Warda Chairwoman of the organization, Mrs. Ikhlas Kamel, member of the Board of Directors and Dr. Bashar Saadoun member of the General Board. The visit came within the framework of the request submitted by Mrs. Pascale Warda to HE Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Eng. Mohamed Shi'a Al Sudani, welcoming this initiative of the Organization.

During the two visits, Hammurabi team conducted interviews with the administrative and security staff of the two reform houses and briefed on the mechanisms used in this regard, as well as a field tour of the rooms and facilities of the two house and interviews on the issues that led them to the situation in which they are now.

Within that framework and in a question asked by the reporter of Nirgal news network about the merits of this human rights activity, Mrs.Warda said that these two visits are in implementation of the annual human rights program of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization for the year 2018, prepared by the Board of Directors. It is expected that a detailed report will be issued in the next few days of what Hammurabi Human Rights team has monitored in the reform houses for male and female. It is also expected that the report will be accompanied by a summary of the conclusions and recommendations needed to promote the rights of prisoners of two reform houses.