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A joint relief team of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization and the Christian Solidarity International (CSI) head to Tellesqaf and Baqofah towns and distribute (227) domestic water filtration and desalination system

A joint relief team of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization and the Christian Solidarity International (CSI) head to Tellesqaf and Baqofah towns and distribute (227) domestic water filtration and desalination system


  • A joint relief team of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization and the Christian Solidarity International (CSI) head to Tellesqaf and Baqofah towns and distribute (227) domestic water filtration and desalination system
  • Pascale Warda and Dr. John Ebner precede the relief team and interview the citizens returning to the liberated town (Tellesqaf).
  • Relief team included of (11) official persons from Hammurabi organization and (3) persons from CSI

A joint Relief team from the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization and CSI traveled to Tellesqaf  town in Telkeif district at Nineveh governorate on (20/6/2017) and distributed (227) domestic water filtration and desalination system.

The team included  Mrs. Pascale Warda, President of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, Dr. John Ebner, CSI Executive Director, Mr. Louis Marcos Ayoub, Vice President of Hammurabi, Mr. William Ward, Public Relations Officer, Mr. Wakid  Youhanna, Ms. Nadia Younis Butti, Board Members, Mr. Youhanna Isaac and Mr. Farhan Yousif Al-Khuzaimi, members of the General Assembly, Mr. Adel Saad, Media advisor, Human rights activist Boutros Behnam, and Ms. Rita, translator and activist. The group also included Mr. Adrian Hartman and Helen Ray, members of CSI.

This relief step came after a field visit to the town and identifying the needs of the returnees within the framework of field information provided by Mr. Khalil Ouraha, a member of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, who is also one of the returnees to Tellesqaf.

The relief campaign witnessed meetings and inquiries with the returnees about their situation at the homes of many citizens.

Referring to the fact that, (Tellesqaf) is one of the towns that were invaded by terrorist groups of ISIS, which is currently suffering from a severe shortage of services, and many buildings have been damaged by the destruction, blasting and programmed sabotage carried out by ISIS.

In addition to that, a number of the relief team headed to Baqofah town to include a number of returned families with the domestic water filtration and desalination system.