- Hammurabi Human Rights Organization holds the fourth workshop in its second edition on the rights of people with disabilities
- Highlighting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 2006 International Convention and Iraqi law. No. 38 for the year 2013
- Film presentation, deliberations and discussions to clarify issues related to the rights of people with disabilities
The fourth workshop of the second edition was held on 20th January, 2024 on the dissemination of the rights of persons with disabilities within the central project implemented by Hammurabi Human Rights Organization in cooperation with Al-Mahaba Brotherhood Humanitarian and John Paul II Foundation (FGPII) and with the funding of the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development.
The workshop was held in Baghdad in the headquarters of Al-Mahaba Brotherhood Humanitarian.
Mr. William Warda, the project manager, welcomed the attendees and introduced the team of the Organization. He also referred to his personal circumstances with the news of his mother’s death that have prevented the workshop from being held on its scheduled date on the 13th January, 2024.
In her speech, Mrs. Pascale Warda, Chairwoman of Hammurabi human rights organization, shed light on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as an international right, that must find a way to be implemented from the standpoint that guarantees human rights to life, health, education, job opportunities, free expression of human identity and freedom of movement as stipulated in the Declaration in its thirty articles.
The researcher, Mrs. Warda, also stopped at two international texts: the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. She pointed out that the overall value of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights must be based on three considerations: the first is equality in rights, the second consideration is achieving justice, and the third consideration is that these Rights are comprehensive and indivisible package and any decline in these rights is considered a diminution of other rights.
After that, two key topics were discussed within its first program, related to the International Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities of 2006, which stipulates that disability is one of the types of human diversity and that the applied responsibility for it must be based on care that is, providing services to people with disabilities and working to rehabilitate them in all requirements, their lives and achieving integration with the general social environment , rejecting all forms of negative discrimination, the move was made to Iraqi Law No. 38 of 2013, where the text of the law was presented with a focus on Article 15. Addressing the rights of people with disabilities in accordance and the Iraqi obligation to ratify it thus arguing that the Law 38 is an Iraqi legal application of that Convention.
In this context, the project manager invited Mr. William Warda to form a data base of knowledge on the terms of that law and to start obtaining the rights of persons with disabilities from the government institutions originally concerned with implementing its provisions.
The workshop's agenda included the presentation of a film produced by Hammurabi Organization that addressed the cognitive and practical agreement on the rights of people with disabilities.
During its session, the workshop witnessed an important time for consultation and explanatory deliberations dealing with many issues that are subjected to inquiry and understanding and action should be taken by the families of people with disabilities in this field and not remain silent about gaining these rights.